Before I moved to SUST in Xi’an I knew I would be stepping out of my comfort zone. I was scared of the unknown and the unexpected, while thrilled about living new experiences and making friends. However, upon my arrival, all my fears fade away. Great staff, helpful teachers, lots of new friends and a fantastic city make me feel SUST like a second home. In SUST I feel like being part of a family and, more important, I can find many opportunities to progress both academically and personally.

SUST is prepared for every student’s need, and I always can find the peace of a good coffee cup when I need it, or the place to celebrate with my friends the good news. All the students live on campus, turning the university in a small and vibrant city where I can always find dozens of activities to do. However one day I will leave SUST, but those walks around the university lake, the local food, and its people’s friendliness will always be in my heart.