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【公告】助教Abu Bakkar Siddik短期课程预告

2021年03月22日 14:51  点击:[]

授课人:Abu Bakkar Siddik                   undefined



In this course, you will learn what is necessary before writing research paper: the context in which the researchers are publishing. You will learn how to know your own community, through different research paper examples, then we will present you how to structure a scientific paper, writing sequence, writing style, and publication works. We will finish with a couple of ethical values, like copyrights and plagiarism that the academic world is sharing! Moreover, you will learn a complete research paper outline, choose an appropriate journal to which you will submit the finished research paper or research essay for publication, research paper format or research paper example, and prepare a checklist that will allow you to judge independently whether your scientific paper is ready to submit.




上一条:【公告】永利集团2022年推荐免试研究生考核实施细则 下一条:【通知】第十一届全国老员工电子商务“创新、创意及创业”挑战赛参赛报名通知